Original Discord Post by chris123d | 2024-04-26 22:51:57
I’m not sure why my convai character isn’t navigating properly. A normal bot will work fine but the default metahuman with convai and the floating movement component just teleports under the floor. Any suggestions?
Ok I fixed it but had to basically rebuild the metahuman on top of the third person character, do LOD syncs and all kinds of stuff to get it working. But she walks now. Geeze. I would recommend switching to character movement instead of floating pawn movement btw.
yeah so unfortunately I can only get the facesync to work on the convaiBaseCharacter class OR I can make it move properly using the chatbot as a component. One or the other right now. Frustrating as hell.
If the character is teleporting below the ground, go to the tick event in comvai base character, and you will find a function called snap to ground or similar, remove it and it will no longer teleport