Original Discord Post by catboiler | 2024-09-10 16:18:54
I’m looking to add ConvAI functionality to an existing project, that uses a third-person controller and existing NPCs. What do I need to add to the player character to make it compatible, and the same for the NPCs?
Just checking now. I think it’s the most recent. Basically, I’m trying it out with an RPG Builder demo scene, so I’m seeing if I can attach it to the player character and NPC so that, rather than be given a quest, I can converse to get the quest. The player character is existing, as is the NPC, so I need to attach ConvAI scripts to each to get them to talk. That’s what I’m struggling with.
Hmm. it works when I put the NPCManager and GRPC API on the Main Camera, but, because it’s third-person, it won’t activate because the camera is far away. When I put them on the player itself, it doesn’t work at all.