Delete/Mute -partial- audio feedback Convai chatbot

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are trying to hide partial audio feedback from the chatbot. We build it right now by prompting the chatbot to always respond with Object and Topic of what is being asked.

For example, we ask the chatbot. How do I eat a burger?

The chatbot will respond with: “Object: Burger | Topic: How to eat* You can eat a burger by placing one hand on top and one hand on the bottom and then taking a big bite out of it.”

Our goal is to remove “Object: Burger | Topic: How to eat*” from both text/chat and audio. We managed to remove it from the chat, however, we are not able to have the chatbot ignore it for audio and directly start from “You can eat…”

We are not interested in using narrative design.

Looking forward to your help!

Currently there is no knob to hide a part of the response from Speech layer.

Can you please describe your use case. If the number of objects and actions are limited may be try using Custom Actions.

Hi there and thanks for your response.

What we are trying to achieve is not using narrative design and have an open conversation.

However, we want Unreal Engine to trigger certain events whenever the bot prompts a response on a question. As mentioned before.

For example, we ask the chatbot. How do I eat a burger?

The chatbot will respond with: “Object: Burger | Topic: How to eat* You can eat a burger by placing one hand on top and one hand on the bottom and then taking a big bite out of it.”

Our goal is to have Unreal Engine activate an animation when the bot mentions “Object: Burger | Topic: How to eat*”.

Let me know if my case makes sense that way!

In addition to this. Could you please tell us where to access the Convai text variable before the audio gets triggered?

If your actions and objects are limited you can use Convai’s Action Feature.

For the above case action list can contain “eat”
And Object can contain: “Burger”

Then our system should invoke the action as needed.

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