Original Discord Post by soup912 | 2024-10-14 22:06:37
Hi. I’m kind of new at this so bear with me. I’ve tried importing Convai a few times and it manages to import, but I get errors and I have never been able to speak to the character or have the text box with the conversation appear. I’m using Unity 2022.3.13f1. I had a different project with VR but I just created a new 3D project to try to get it working on here first.
Embedded Content: NPC AI Engine - Dialog, actions, voice and lipsync - Convai | Behav…
Get the NPC AI Engine - Dialog, actions, voice and lipsync - Convai package from Convai and speed up your game development process. Find this & other Behavior AI options on the Unity Asset Store.
Link: NPC AI Engine - Dialog, actions, voice and lipsync - Convai | Behavior AI | Unity Asset Store