Disable Looking at the Camera

Hi, I’m fairly new to unreal engine, I have a camera that follows the ai but I don’t want the ai character to look towards the camera when I tell it to move forward. is there a way to speak with the ai character without them looking forwards the camera and still being able to talk with them

Hello @pinkwaffle,

Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!

To do this, please follow the steps below:

  1. In the Convai_MetaHuman_BodyAnim:
  • Open the Event Graph.
  • Locate the Set Turn and Head Rotation graphs.
  • Disconnect the Execution Pins to stop the body and head from automatically turning toward the camera.

  1. In the Convai_MetaHuman_FaceAnim:
  • Open the Event Graph.
  • Find the Set Eye Rotation graph.
  • Disconnect the Execution Pin to stop the eyes from following the camera.

For clarity, I’ve also shared screenshots illustrating these steps to help you implement them easily. Let us know if you have any further questions! :blush:

Ok so it works well as the ai doesn’t automatically rotate and look at the character but when I instruct the ai to go pick up and item or to turn around he stays looking in the original position. Is it possible to keep the rotations on, but somehow make the camera actor invisible to the ai but I can still interact with the ai ?

Please disconnect the execution pin coming from the Input in the GetActorInFocus function inside Body_Anim, as shown in the attached screenshot.

Let me know if you need further adjustments!

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