Original Discord Post by sd_media_32711 | 2024-10-16 02:26:56
Hello, I have the pro plan on elevenlabs and integrated the API key into Convi ai, I’m able to see all the other Eleven labs voices. However I need to use my personal voice clone I created of myself. I lookws in borh the character desciption and language and speech sections but can’t find any of my custom voices I cloned. Thank you for the help!
Embedded Content: ElevenLabs API Integration | Documentation
This is a guide on how to integrate your ElevenLabs voices with Convai characters
Link: ElevenLabs API Integration | Documentation
It will take some time (~12 hrs) for your voices be visible in Convai dashboard.
You can accelerate the process for viewing newly added voices by removing and adding your ElevenLabs API key again.