How to use the "On text received and Capture node" to trigger an event

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Hello All, I would like to trigger an event based on specific words generated by the Convaichatbot. Attached is a screenshot showing the nodes (on text received node and capture node) I am using but for some reason the capture node does not seem to work. I verified that the blueprint is working. Is there a better way of doing this? What could i possibly be missing here, or is this not possible?

Also is there away to evaluate incoming chatbot dialog and add the determined AI output to a variable? for example "Chatbot please tell me if he recipe contains starch based on the ingredients, if so just say true or false and update the variable $response.


Hello @Tekskills,

Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!

Check out this documentation for handling specific words in chatbot responses:

Operations Based on Certain Words

Additionally, please clear your output logs, test your level, and share the logs with us. If your API key appears in the logs, be sure to remove it before sharing. This will help us investigate the issue more effectively. :blush: