I want to custom chat widget on unreal engine 5

Hello, i want to ask about customization on convai widget. I want to create another chat style. Is that possible ?? I have an example for this


Hello @innovation,

Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!

Yes, you can customize it! This depends entirely on your Unreal Engine knowledge.

However, if your Convai plan is below the annual Scale Plan, you won’t be able to remove the Convai logo.

For an example Chat Widget, check Chat_WB in:
Content Browser → Plugins/ConvAI/Widgets

Make sure “Show Plugin Content” is enabled in Content Browser Settings to access it. :blush:

Hello @K3 thanks for welcoming

any tutorial for this ? I am new on unreal engine

got that, I will use that convai logo, that image just my design to describe my question

if there any tutorial for this please share me

Really don’t know how to use that Chat_WB. may be you can give tutorial ?

can’t post any issue on forum

Hello @innovation,

Unfortunately, we do not have a specific tutorial for this, as it is more related to general Unreal Engine knowledge rather than Convai itself.

There are hundreds of tutorials available online about Unreal Engine Widgets, which you can explore to develop and implement this feature.

As an example, you can check Convai’s Chat_WB to see how the chat widget is structured.

Beyond this, we are unable to provide further support on this topic.

As shown in the screenshot you shared, please check the Announcement post. It provides a detailed explanation.

You can post your questions or issues here on the Convai Developer Forum instead.

thanks for the information

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