Hello! I recently had a perfectly working convai CC4 digital human that used to walk to any object I added to the “Objects” section in the Convai info details panel. However, this was when I was in Unreal Engine 5.3. When I upgraded my project to 5.5, the character no longer walks towards the object I ask it to walk towards. Instead, the character just says it is walking there without actually moving. My navigation is perfect, all objects have a referenced object in the scene, and my character follows me whenever I ask it to. For some reason the “Move To” action just won’t work. Any suggestions?
Hello @Jennifer_Purington,
Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!
Please ensure that the target object is accessible within the Navigation Mesh. To verify this:
- Press the P key in Unreal Engine to visualize the Navigation Mesh.
- Move near the target object and check if the object is within the green navigable area.
If the object is not within the Navigation Mesh, the character won’t be able to move toward it.
If possible, share a screenshot of the Navigation Mesh near your object, and we’ll help you analyze the issue further!
Hello! Attached is my navigation mesh with the horse object I want my character to walk to in addition of a screenshot of my character standing in place when I request he walk towards the horse.
Please ask your character to walk to the horse and review the ConvaiGRPCLog: Action section in the Output Log. Kindly share the logs with us so we can analyze the situation and assist you further.
Strangely, the output log does not appear to be communicating anything. Oddly, the character I was referring to in my previous posts now can walk around the scene, but the other one in the scene still cannot. Attached is what my output log looked like after the male character successfully walked over to the horse, and the female character did not walk to the object I requested it to walk towards.
Tried this on another model, and the action log seems to be working fine but although it says she is moving, she is not
This doesn’t appear to be an issue on Convai’s side, as the Action responses are being generated correctly.
You’ll need to check the Unreal Engine setup:
- Ensure that the NavMesh Bounds are properly configured.
- Verify that the target object is accessible within the NavMesh.
Let us know if you need further assistance!
Is there any other factor that can be causing this issue? My NavMeshBounds appears properly configured and the table is very easily accessible to the character (literally straight ahead, to the left of the door). I am unsure what has changed in my characters as everything was working perfectly a month ago and I did not alter the characters much. It is just so weird because the character refuses to walk towards any referenced object in the scene yet it will follow me directly next to it.
From what you described, this doesn’t seem to be an issue on Convai’s side, as the Action responses are being generated correctly in the logs.
It’s possible that something in your level setup was unintentionally modified. I recommend testing the behavior in a fresh First Person Template Level to see if the issue persists. This can help determine whether the problem is level-related.
Let us know how it goes!