Unreal Dynamic Config Support

The model has no context of any details about who is talking to them because the description field does not pass data. For example, I set the description to level 80 high elf mage and then ask the AI what race I am. They do not know. I can kind of resolve this for text input by appending my character details to the start of the prompt, however because voice prompts are are sent in chunks, there is not any way I’ve been able to find to append additional details to the prompt.

I saw there was an update for Unity that solves this with a dynamic config system, but I don’t see any way to use this in Unreal because there are not Rest API calls listed. Dynamic Config : Enhance interactivity by passing dynamic variables to NPCs, such as player health and inventory items, creating a more immersive experience. Dynamic Config | Documentation

Please let me know if there is any other available way to achieve adding context to the Chatbox Environment without prompting it directly. Thanks!

Hello @nathan :wave:, Welcome to Convai Developer Forum!

I have great news for you. With our new update (3.5.1) you can access the Dynamic Config feature.

You can access it here: Release Convai Unreal Engine SDK Version 3.5.1 · Conv-AI/Convai-UnrealEngine-SDK · GitHub

Here is the documentation: Dynamic Environment Info | Documentation

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