VR demo for UX portfolio (WIP)

Original Discord Post by bioskop | 2024-02-23 00:53:37

The whole idea started a few months ago (I was with the Uni), I started Weeekend project, a short scoped project to show the UX process I learnt on different courses.

Weeekend is here → https://www.behance.net/gallery/188137252/Weeekend-A-solo-project-from-design-to-implementation

After finishing the Uni I’ve started again thinking about keep doing this project, and the Convai conversation was a must, I wanted to receive people on “that Intro room” and talk about the environment we where in… the convai AI would be a personification of myself, details come and go, after I talked with K3 I realized that was more difficult of what I though, because technicalities I need to polish. Probably that idea will be iterated on the future.

So one day ago I’ve started from scratch with Can David (Berliner Rapper) character that I feel pretty much alike and it’s for me fun to explore.
As he’s originally from Kreuzberg I wanted to show such vibes within the environment I’m doing, of course as I don’t have many assets I use some city packs I acquired a year ago.
This is a test in German, also talked to him on English and Spanish, I can see how this can be a cool educational demo on the future too, for now, I wanted to express myself and being the most free I can be. :yum:


Embedded Content:
Weeekend - A solo project from design to implementation
Weeekend - A solo project from design to implementation
Link: https://www.behance.net/gallery/188137252/Weeekend-A-solo-project-from-design-to-implementation

Convai for VR - Day 2 (Deutsch)
That’s it, demo day 2 - Talking with Pashanim
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7swzB2GEkAc

Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-02-25 11:55:50

Awesome work! :gem: