WebGL Microphone Issue


i follow every step on the youtube tutorial for Convai Unity WebGL Tutorial, when build it there’s no problem but when i try to talk to the AI my microphone doesn’t detected even though already allow from the browser and changing the microphone also doesn’t help. the button seems work but the function feels not running properly.

I’m using Unity 2022.3.55f1
SDK v2.0.0

Hello @dev2,

Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!

Thank you for sharing the details. It seems like the issue may be related to your browser’s microphone settings. Could you please try changing the default microphone device from your browser settings?

Could you please share the link to your experience so that we can test it on our side?

Unfortunately, for security reasons, we cannot download or test builds shared via external links. Additionally, the build might contain sensitive information such as your API Key, so we kindly ask you to remove the shared link to protect your data.

If you would like us to test your project, consider hosting it on a web accessible platform like itch.io or vercel.app. These platforms allow the safe sharing of builds directly on the web. You can find guides online for setting this up.

this is the link https://conv-ai-ecru.vercel.app/

I’ve tested it, and it works. However, since I don’t know this language, the output consists of random words.

I recommend trying it in a different browser and checking your browser’s microphone settings to ensure everything is configured correctly.

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