Original Discord Post by heywood_floyd | 2024-09-20 16:31:40
I’d like to activate a character to receive and relay stuff from the narrative design as soon as a Unity scene loads. The character gives messages generated by the narrative design after I first talk to it.
Embedded Content: Adding Narrative Design to your Character | API Docs
Follow this guide to incorporate Narrative Design into your Convai-powered characters. Follow this step-by-step tutorial, open your project, and let’s begin!
Link: Adding Narrative Design to your Character | Documentation
Thanks. I had that set up, and it’s working, once the character is activated.
For our simulation, the AI is a smart watch with a push-to-talk button. After the user’s first interaction, we hear the NPC giving us info from the narrative design. What we’d like is that the NPC is active at all times, so that the user can get info from the narrative design before he presses the push-to-talk button.