Convai Character per session ID

Hi guys! I’ve tested the plugin, despite the slow response time I’d like to continue using it, I had paid version (for now disabled to save some money).
But I have a very specific idea I want to let talk to convai character each user within session id on my web page. Is it possible? my environment is fastapi, python

Hello @Leon_V,

Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!

What is your Response Time in seconds?
When you test your character on, what is the response time there?

Regarding your other question, I didn’t fully understand it.
Could you please provide more details so I can assist you better?

Hi, @K3
I am outputting my play in editor project to rtmp server and serve at static page as hls videoplayer, so all users see the same stream. there’s access to unreal project via remote api, so i can pretty much do whatever i want with convai character via http requests. I want to configure it the way that each user has its own UI (chat box to talk to convai character) and its own history. Is it possible? I am not worried about users fighting for ai attention for now, it’s secondary

I don’t have much knowledge about the platform you’re using, but this seems like a complex issue.

To achieve what you want, you would need to create a separate session for each user, essentially a new experience for each one. From what I understand, any change you make right now affects all users because they’re sharing the same session.

This is more about your custom development setup rather than Convai itself.