Convai Speaking Problem over time

Hey team!

I am having trouble with my application in my Unity build when used over time… my application works well with convai when asking it questions and responses but this is only good till about 10 minutes of constant back and forth communication. Eventually the bot stops responding to you.

Im very worried about this. And i have an excess amount of interaction qouta and im not using ElevenLabs labs or any third party voice im using the Convai voice itself.

Please team…any input would be greatly appreciated!


Hello @Dylan_Suaris,

We apologize for the inconvenience you’re experiencing.

To better understand the issue, could you please share the Console Logs from when the problem occurs? This is the first time we’ve encountered this issue, and the logs will help us investigate further.

hey so now this is what I get in my console when the bot stop responding to me…Just to be clear. I have 2 Convai NPCs in my scene, that i am moving in and out of zone but when i move my 2nd ConvaiNPC into zone i immediately get this error.

would really appreciate any help here^

This is not an error. It typically occurs when a request is canceled, such as when an interaction is interrupted.

Also, I noticed that your earlier issue was related to TMP (I think you edited the message). You might have accidentally modified something in the ChatUIs. It seems likely that a custom change in your project is causing this issue.

Since multiple users are successfully using our SDK, and no one has reported a similar problem, it’s reasonable to suspect that it’s related to your customizations or project-specific changes. Unfortunately, it’s challenging for us to diagnose this kind of issue remotely.

I recommend double-checking any recent edits you made to the project.

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Hey, so im having an issue where the first time i speak to the bot it will reply… but the next time i do so it will stop replying in which im getting the textmeshpro Error … the chatUI is taking in my mic input but the bot does NOT reply… yes i can see you are saying that we should revert any changes made to the ChatUI Prefab but what if i want to disable the chatUI as i dont want it to be seen … is there a proper fix for this? currently the only way to fix it is by restarting Unity. Hoping you can help !

UPDATE: I re-added the default prefab for the ChatUI and the issue still presists… i still havnt restarted unity because i know that is not a permanent fix.

Could you share a screen recording of the issue? Please make sure the Console window is visible so we can better understand the error messages.

Looking forward to your update!

Hey…Thanks for the quick response…Here is a demo of me replicating the issue twice for your review.

EDIT:I updated the video for more logs

Could you please try the default ChatUI prefab?

hey i had done that … but was still getting the same issue.

I re-imported the Convai Plug-in into unity. that seemed to have worked. i will test for a while and let you know…thanks!

It’s likely that the previous prefab was accidentally modified, causing issues with the default setup. The best solution is to reinstall the Convai SDK. During installation, you’ll have the option to choose what gets replaced, ensuring everything is set up correctly.

Glad to hear re-importing helped! Let us know if you run into any other issues.

Hello again, the re-importing fixed it… temporarily … i had changed the position of the mic Icon and moved the Chat panel outside the canvas. these are things i need to do as i don’t want it to be seen in my application but i am getting the same textmeshpro Error again!

Edit: I THINK i figured it out… please confirm the logic for me. I was getting null reference errors in the DestroyOldestMessage() in the ChatBoxUI Script. I Edited it to this →

and it is working now… i have been testing for an hour straight with constant communications and it is working. i will let you know if i run into any problems in the future.

Hello @Dylan_Suaris1,

Great to hear that you’ve found a solution! Unfortunately, we couldn’t reproduce the issue on our end, as we’re unsure exactly what changes were made to the prefab. It’s possible that some references were lost during the modifications.

If this fix works for you, that’s awesome! Thanks for sharing your solution. it might help others facing similar issues.