Do the interaction limit increase based on credits available with pro elevenlabs?

Hi if i was to add my third party key from elevenlabs, do the interaction limit increase based on credits available like with pro elevenlabs ?

Hi, I think if you add your own API key from EL, then if you use 1 of the voices you have on your EL account then the interaction limit and usage would reflect on your EL account.

Your EL interaction limit and usage on the EL voices that Convai supply as part of your Convai plan would only come into play when you used the Convai EL supplied voices, I hope I’ve explained that ok. Please note I am not an expert, I’m just a forum member.

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Hello @akumavenom,

Thank you for your question.

When you integrate your own ElevenLabs API key (Pro plan or higher), the interaction quota on your Convai plan remains unchanged. Convai’s interaction limit is independent of your ElevenLabs credits.

Here’s how it works:

  • If you use Convai’s provided ElevenLabs voices, your Convai plan’s ElevenLabs quota will be used.
  • If you integrate your own ElevenLabs API key and use your custom ElevenLabs voices, the usage will count against your ElevenLabs plan’s credits, not Convai’s ElevenLabs quota.
  • Regardless of which voice service you use (ElevenLabs, Azure, etc.), Convai’s interaction quota will still apply for each interaction.

I hope this clarifies your question! Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance.

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