GRPC DLL errors in Unity

Hello! Our company has used Convai previously for a project, but importing it into an existing Unity project seems to be having some issues. We upgraded our project to 2022.3.44f1, then I imported Convai from the unity asset store. I set up the api key and really the problem comes when running the demo scenes. If I run the Narrative Design scene, mainly I get

DllNotFoundException: grpc_csharp_ext assembly: type: member:(null)

Even though I see the DLL in the win folders of convai, and an empty project of the same version where I add Convai it works fine.
In the Full Features demo scene I get the DLL and a few other errors as seen below

Hello @VRSIM_Developers,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing the details. To assist you effectively, could you let us know which build platform you are working on? For example, are you targeting Windows, Android, iOS, WebGL or another platform?

I was currently using windows, but, I seem to have found the solution. Moving the gcrp plugin folder out of convai Plugins, and putting it in the existing Plugins folder in the base asset directory seems to make it detect it fine.

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