How can I make my Convai character initiate and resume conversation automatically?

Hey everyone, I’m working on a project where I want the AI character to start talking right when the game begins—without the player pressing any button. I also want the character to keep talking after any interruption (or after a silence) without requiring the player to press T again.

Basically, I have two main issues:

  1. Automatic Conversation Start: As soon as the game/scene starts, the character should greet or start monologuing on its own. How do I make that happen in Convai?
  2. Resuming Talk Without Player Input: After the user interrupts or just doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, I want the AI to continue the conversation automatically. Right now, if no user input is detected, the character doesn’t speak. How can I configure or script Convai so it handles these “automatic continue” scenarios?

I’d really appreciate any tips, suggested workflows, or examples. Thanks in advance!

Hi, maybe this could help towards doing what you want :

Hello @Elon,

You can use the Invoke Speech Node in Begin Play or at any desired moment to trigger speech automatically.

  • In the Trigger Message section, enter the text you want the character to say.
  • Or use the Speak Tag (<speak>) to make the character say the exact line. Example:
    <speak> I'll say this exact line! </speak>

To make the character continue talking after an interruption, go to the ConvaiCharacter’s Blueprint, click on the ConvaiChatBot component, and in the Details panel, use the On Interrupted Event. You can call the Invoke Speech Node here again.

For more details, check the documentation:
Event-Aware Convai Characters in Unreal Engine

Hope this helps! Let me know if you need further clarification. :blush: