How can I make the NPC look at me without location or button conditions?

I shared the documentation because it contains the solution to your request. If you place the logic in the Begin Play event, the NPC will turn its head toward you before any conversation starts. We expect our users to have a basic understanding of Unreal Engine, but for clarity, I’m sharing an example blueprint screenshot to illustrate this setup.

Additionally, if the NPC has its back to you and you want the body to turn as well, you can implement a small trick. In the Convai_MetaHuman_BodyAnim Animation Blueprint, navigate to the SetTurn Graph. Modify the Branch logic for IsInConversation by connecting the False Execution pin to the next node. This ensures the NPC always turns toward the player.

Here’s the relevant screenshot for reference. Let us know if you have any further questions! :blush:

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