How do i save convai ai so they remeber the user convo after reloading game

how do i save convai ai so they remember the user when player is named and not guest. for example after talking to the ai i need for the ai to remember things said by the player so after exiting and reloading and having the same user name, the ai can and player can pick up from where they left of in chat. is it possible ?
any help would be much appreciated thanks

Hello @akumavenom,

Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!

To achieve this, you can save and load the Session ID.

Please refer to this documentation for detailed guidance:
Saving and Loading Sessions - Unreal Engine Guide

If you have any questions or run into issues, feel free to ask for further assistance! :blush:

fantastic thanks so much K3 :slight_smile:

Edit: i just implemented it and it works perfect so easily to use and understand i am very impressed with convai to say the least :slight_smile:

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