How to change the player?

Original Discord Post by seojin9884 | 2024-07-09 08:01:05

Is there anyone who knows how to change the player (not NPC)? Because the player doesn’t have a body but only have a camera. I’ve tried to make a player that has a body but I failed. I added the same camera + components to my player and it only showed “Not close to talk” notification. But I checked the raycast for my player works and reaches to the NPCs but I cannot start a conversation with NPCs.

Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-07-09 09:05:29

Make sure to add these components,

  • ConvaiNPCManager
  • ConvaiGRPCAPI
  • Your camera should have “MainCamera” tag.

Reply by seojin9884 | 2024-07-09 21:02:18

Thank you! I managed to do it

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