I want to create Bubble chat like this image

Hello Developers

I want to ask

anyone know how to create chat bubble like that ?
i’ve search from Chat_WB like on another publish, but i still confuse to custom like that

@K3 can you help me with this

The chat bubble you shared is part of Avatar Studio and was developed using HTML based UI.

Unfortunately, we do not have a specific tutorial for this, as it is more related to general Unreal Engine knowledge rather than Convai itself.

There are many Unreal Engine Widget tutorials available online that you can explore to develop and customize your own chat bubble.

As an example, you can check Convai’s Chat_WB to see how the chat widget is structured.

Beyond this, we are unable to provide further support on this topic.

so how can we connect that blueprint to convai chat_wb ?

As shown in the screenshot I shared below, you can check the ChatWidget section in ConvaiBasePlayer BP.

for that chat widget, can i open that structure ? may be for customize ? and what name explain that chat style ?

Could you clarify your question a bit? If you are asking whether you can customize the Convai Chat Widget, the answer is yes—you can modify its appearance and behavior to fit your needs. However, please note that Convai branding cannot be removed unless you are on an eligible plan.