Original Discord Post by gatevr | 2023-11-16 02:27:14
Hello, hope you doing well.
I attempted a manual build in Source Engine v5.2. While the editor target is functional, the client and server targets aren’t. The error message I received is “Missing precompiled manifest for ‘Convai’”. In response, I copied the manifest, and module objects, and generated header files from the intermediate folder. It seemed like it was working, but ultimately, it failed. Is there another method I could try to resolve this issue?
Hello <@1171638701311410267>,
I know Unity, I don’t know about Unreal Engine, but our Unreal Engine team can help you. Let me tag them.
hello <@1171638701311410267>, in order to rebuild the plugin for source builds of the Engine you need to find the Convai.Build.cs file in the Convai plugin directory/Source/Convai, then change the line that says bUsePrecompiled = true; to bUsePrecompiled = false; instead.
I saw your question on the store page and replied their as well