Original Discord Post by epgenix | 2024-01-17 07:05:01
Hey, i got some wierd error, i’m trying to crate the editor binaries for my project in VS, the compiling works great, but for some reasong the editor excludes a plugin from the build process, does someone know whats happening here?
Hello <@465550353807441926> Error you are getting must be due to the binaries not generating. All you need do is modify a line of code in the build.cs file in convai plugin directory. Please set the bUsePrecompiled = true. This will allow binaries to be generated for windows platform.
Reply by mrd7041 | 2024-01-17 09:19:05
Hello <@465550353807441926> Error you are getting must be due to the binaries not generating. All you need do is modify a line of code in the build.cs file in convai plugin directory. Please set the bUsePrecompiled = true. This will allow binaries to be generated for windows platform.
The variable is set to true to protect the plugin binaries from being rebuilt and possibly corrupted, but when you set it to false you’re then able to build