Problem about Character Importer

Hi, I created a new project and imported the last version of Convai but I get this error: CharacterImporterLogic.cs(122,41): error CS0117: ‘DirectoryUtility’ does not contain a definition for ‘GetRelativeProjectPath’.

That function does not exists and I can not import any character, when I try it from the Convai SDK Panel it’s says: Please install Ready Player Me SDK to import a character.

Can anyone help me? Thanks

Edit: I found the solution, I fixed it importing the Ready Player Me SDK from de Unity Asset Store

Hello @Facundo_Lobo,

Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!

Could you please check this post?

After making the changes to the script code above and resolving the errors in this topic, when entering the Character ID and importing via the Convai SDK Setup’s Character Importer, the character is generated in the Scene. However, the console shows the error [Error][Character]: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: instanceRoot, and even after playing the scene in Unity, the character does not display animation or the conversation UI. Additionally, the character’s object name is not reflecting the character’s name.

Is there a current solution to this issue?

The version of Convai imported from Unity Asset Store is 3.2.0.
Using Unity version is 2022.3.20f1

Ready Player Me’s recent updates seem to be causing this issue.

For now, I recommend importing Ready Player Me (RPM) from the Unity Asset Store, as it still uses the older version.

Steps to Resolve:

  1. Remove the currently installed RPM package from your project using Package Manager.
  2. Import the RPM package from the following link:
    Ready Player Me - Unity Asset Store

This should resolve the issue. Let us know if you encounter further challenges! :blush:

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Thank you for your response. After following the steps you provided to uninstall and import ReadyPlayerMe, the issue has been resolved. I hope that in future updates of the ConvaiSDK, this issue will not occur without needing to follow these steps. Thank you for your assistance!

Thank you for your feedback!

Unfortunately, this issue arose due to factors beyond our control. Ready Player Me (RPM) introduced significant changes, which led to some incompatibilities.

We’ve already prepared an updated package to address this issue. However, it’s currently under review by the Unity Asset Store team, as they need to test and approve it before it becomes available.

We appreciate your understanding and patience, and we’re here to assist you with any further questions or concerns! :blush:


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The 3.2.2 update has been released.

You can update it directly from the Package Manager. Let us know if you encounter any issues or need assistance! :blush: