We are wondering what are the requirements for a downloable audio file on an endpoint (POST character/getResponse)
I have found that the API works successfully with extname .wav files, but not all of them. For some files I get an error: “Audio file configuration error : Expecting number of channels to be 1.”
—> is somebody can help ?
Embedded Content: Interaction API | Documentation
This page details on how you can interact with Character.
Link: Interaction API | Documentation
We are going to send an audio file to ConvaiAPI to interact with a character and get a response from the API. We are using a client-side generated voice recording and passing this file to Convai. We have defined that the file must have a .wav extname and mimeType ‘audio/wav’, but this is not the entire list of file requirements for validation, and in most cases we get Error: Bad Request with different descriptions
Oh I see, so the input audio file should be mono (# of channels = 1), wav format (pcm) , bit depth should be 16. Also send the sampleRateHz as part of the request, with the sample rate of the audio file as the value.