The Chat Box disappear when I open more than 1 widgets in a row

Original Discord Post by araceli_r_v | 2024-04-25 18:12:20

Hi, in my project i’m implementing a options menu. Well, in that menu i have some kind off buttons and when i click in one of these buttons (a widget opens) the chatbox disappear and when i come back I have to reset the level to see again and use the chat box.

I’ve been looking in the convai base character blueprints and in the convai base player character how you open the chat box, but a i don’t really understand if it is that i need to use in my widget to open it again.

In the first blueprint i found this (1 photo)

And in the second i found that (2 photo)

I hope that you could help me.

Thanks a lot.

<@&1163218672580575372> <@&1163218803438670047>


Reply by araceli_r_v | 2024-04-25 18:22:09

The Chat Box disappear when I open more than 1 widgets in a row

Reply by araceli_r_v | 2024-04-25 18:42:10

I also found this in yours MicSettings_WB class


Reply by araceli_r_v | 2024-04-25 18:42:45

But i dont know how to implement the call done pressed, i tried but it fail

Reply by freezfast | 2024-04-26 11:56:44

Hi <@651477930832166944>, just to understand better, you would like to hide the char widget when you go to the options menu and then unhide it when you close the options menu again, is that right?

Reply by araceli_r_v | 2024-04-26 11:57:11


Reply by freezfast | 2024-04-26 11:57:47

To hide the chat widget, go to your player blueprint and right click in the event graph and search for get hat wb, this will be the chat widget variable

Reply by freezfast | 2024-04-26 11:58:35

You can then drag from it and run a variety of different functions, one of them is set visibility, you can set it to hidden or visible via that function

Reply by freezfast | 2024-04-26 11:58:38

Hope that helps

Reply by araceli_r_v | 2024-04-26 18:14:56

Okey, i’ll try and I’ll feed back you

Reply by araceli_r_v | 2024-04-26 18:15:09

Thanks! :blush:

Reply by araceli_r_v | 2024-05-04 16:21:48

Hi, sorry for the late answer, at the end I resolved the problem putting in the blueprint the “remove from the parent” widget function, and it worked!! Thanks so much for all😊 <@365628745886859267>

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