I’m trying to make a new Ready Player Me Character on the convai website.
But when I try to make the visual repesentation I always get the new Unreal characters (and Pixel Stream Time Remaining error) and I cannot switch to the old Ready Player me characters.
To clarify, the Ready Player Me (RPM) character creator is no longer available within Convai. It was previously used as a basic visual representation, but since it relied on RPM’s systems, any issues on their end were beyond our control.
With our latest update, we’ve introduced Avatar Studio, which offers improved customization, interactivity, and functionality:
It’s no longer just a placeholder—you can now interact with characters directly.
Characters can be customized and published as public, unlisted, or private experiences.
You can create high-quality avatars with environments and Vision support, all without requiring coding expertise.
From the screenshot you shared, it appears that your Pixel Streaming Quota is insufficient, which may be causing the issue.
Please note that Avatar Studio characters cannot be imported into Unity or Unreal Engine at this time. However, Convai itself is not tied to any specific visual representation, meaning you can use any character model in your projects. Simply add the Character ID to the relevant components, and your chosen character—whether from RPM, CC4, Metahuman, or another source—will function seamlessly with Convai.
If you still wish to use Ready Player Me avatars, you can create them directly on RPM’s website and integrate them using Ready Player Me SDKs separately from Convai.
We appreciate your understanding and hope these updates improve your experience! If you need further clarification or have any feedback, feel free to reach out.
Okay I understand. I tried already to create the Ready Player Me characters and importing them (worked fine) but when I added the convai components to them I got errors to do with the viseme.
In the docs they mention you can add ConvaiNPC conmponent and then press add comoponents but when I press that nothing happens.
Any ideas on how to solve this or a link to a video that shows the correct process to add RPM characters to unity with Convai talking?