Detailed characters are not imported, just Ready Player me ones


Im trying to import demo characters to unity with the Convai plugin, like Marco or Alex, but when I do it a random model from Ready Player Me is imported instead. Is it not allowed?

Thnaks in advance


Hello @raul.arroyo,

Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!

To clarify, the Ready Player Me (RPM) character creator is no longer available within Convai. Previously, it served as a basic, representative visual, but since it was dependent on RPM’s systems, any issues on their end were beyond our control.

With the latest update, we’ve introduced our Avatar Studio, which offers enhanced customization, interactivity, and functionality:

  • It’s no longer just a placeholder; you can interact with characters directly.
  • Characters can now be customized and published as public, unlisted, or private experiences.
  • You can create high-quality avatars with environments and Vision support, all without needing coding expertise.

However, no need to worry—you can still access your previously created Ready Player Me avatars through Avatar Studio.

Characters created in Avatar Studio cannot be imported into game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine at this time.

That said, Convai does not have any visual dependencies, meaning you can use any character model in your projects. Simply add your Character ID to the relevant components, and your chosen character—whether from RPM, CC4, Metahuman, or another source—will work seamlessly with Convai.

If you still wish to use Ready Player Me avatars in your project, you can create them on RPM’s website and integrate them using Ready Player Me SDKs. This is a separate process from Convai and should be handled independently.

We appreciate your understanding and hope these improvements enhance your experience. If you have any feedback or need further clarification, feel free to reach out!