Characters adding asterisks in responses - removed from TTS


Several of our characters are using asterisks in their responses, seemingly usually to add emphasis on certain words. For example: "I mean, instead of knee-jerk reactions, let’s analyze why the miscommunication happened. "
In these cases, the TTS completely ignore these words, so the character just says “[…] let’s analyze the miscommunication […]”.

We’ve experienced this with quite a few characters lately.

Example character ID: f0dd50a2-e3af-11ef-814a-42010a7be016
Example session ID: 11baea63f58fd2bc3dc415e139740e61

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Hello, we have identified the issue and will be rolling out a fix soon. Apologize for the inconvenience.

@Hakuna_Matata That was quick! Thank you for finding a fix :smiley:

The fix has been pushed to our staging. It will be deployed by tomorrow to our prod.

Fix is in prod. Let me know if you observe any other issue.

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