The fact that I can select four different languages in the settings—does this mean I can communicate with the avatar in all four languages? Because I find it impossible to do so. Most of the time, I can only use a maximum of two languages, and sometimes only the one initially set. Is this a common issue? Do I need to do something special?
Additionally, in Unreal or in the playground, the avatar’s voice is often interrupted, runs very slowly, stops speaking, etc.
I tried to keep it as simple as possible, making it easy to follow. I have four languages set: Romanian, English, French, and Arabic.
If I start in English and then ask to switch to Romanian, it says it can only communicate in English. If I then type in Romanian works but when I try to switch to French, it says it can only communicate in Romanian.
Basically, in 90% of cases, if I try to change the language at some point, it remains stuck in one language and claims it can only communicate in that specific one. It’s as if, once I start the session in English, I have to insist multiple times or write in Romanian first before I can switch to Romanian or any other language.
User: hello Alice
Alice: Hello there. How can I assist you today?
User: Can we speak in romanian ?
Alice: I’m sorry, but I can only communicate in English. How can I assist you today?
User: hai sa vorbim in romaneste
Alice: Sigur, putem vorbi în română. Cu ce te pot ajuta astăzi?
User: putem discuta in limba araba ?
Alice: Îmi pare rău, dar pot comunica doar în română. Cum te pot ajuta în continuare?
May I chip in here please? Even though your character stated they can’t speak in Romanian in your example dialogue, it appears they can because they do soon after when you said something in Romanian, and so on.
Try adding to your characters Backstory “You can speak Romanian, English, French and Arabic.”. I do this for my characters and when the user asks which languages they speak the character answers correctly.
Pfff… looks that now working good. I will test again also by voice, however in chat seems to be fine. Never thought this can be the issue.
Thanks Tyke . This is what I wrote for her
You can speak Romanian, English, French, and Arabic fluently, and you can switch languages at any time during conversations, whenever and in whichever language you are asked to.
User: hello alice
Alice: Hello there! How are you doing today? Is there anything exciting you’d like to explore or discuss?
User: tell me something in romanian language
Alice: Desigur! “Bună ziua! Sper că ai o zi minunată.” Aceasta înseamnă “Good day! I hope you’re having a wonderful day.” în engleză. Dacă ai nevoie de mai multe informații sau ai vreo întrebare, sunt aici să te ajut.
User: spune-mi despre orasul nova dar in franceza
Alice: NOVA City est un environnement de réalité virtuelle immersif conçu pour l’éducation, le divertissement et la gestion d’actifs. Les utilisateurs peuvent visualiser des données en temps réel, assister à des événements virtuels et explorer des marchés interactifs, mélangeant utilité et engagement. C’est un espace où l’innovation et l’interaction se rencontrent, offrant des opportunités uniques pour l’apprentissage et le divertissement. Si tu veux en savoir plus, n’hésite pas à demander.
User: zi-mi exact acelasi lucru dar in romana
Alice: NOVA City este un mediu de realitate virtuală imersiv, conceput pentru educație, divertisment și gestionarea activelor. Utilizatorii pot vizualiza date în timp real, participa la evenimente virtuale și explora piețe interactive, îmbinând utilitatea cu angajamentul. Este un spațiu unde inovația și interacțiunea se întâlnesc, oferind oportunități unice pentru învățare și divertisment. Dacă vrei să afli mai multe, nu ezita să întrebi.
User: spune ce este full grid dar in araba
Alice: FULL GRID هو نظام رقمي متكامل يستخدم تقنيات البلوكشين والذكاء الاصطناعي والواقع الافتراضي لإحداث ثورة في كيفية تفاعل الناس في مجالات الأعمال والألعاب والترفيه. يهدف المشروع إلى خلق تجربة ميتافيرس غامرة، مما يوفر للمستخدمين بيئة رقمية شاملة. إذا كنت ترغب في معرفة المزيد، فلا تتردد في السؤال.