Original Discord Post by diepro1481 | 2024-11-20 10:22:00
Dear Support Team,
we have connected our cloned voice from Elevenlabs with our Convai character. We have the elevenlabs Pro Plan and in our characters voice menu we can also see our cloned voice. But since monday we always get the error (The voice sample is not available) when we want to use the voice. What can we do now?
When I select the voice and speak or write to it, I do not receive an error message. But the voice does not work. I can hear a voice, but it is definitely a different character voice.
I always get an error message when I click on the voice to listen to in the elevenlabs private voices in the character menu.
<@1133141372501753857> Please send us a recording of what the voice sounds like for your character, and another recording of how it sounds on elevenlabs playground. Thank you