Get Response Failed local variable 'gcp_detected_lang'

Original Discord Post by nazbee | 2024-08-21 19:00:33

Suddenly I am receiving this error in Unreal 5.3:

ConvaiGRPCLog: Warning: OnStreamFinish: Status:Not Ok | Debug Log: | Error message:Get Response Failed local variable ‘gcp_detected_lang’ referenced before assignment | Error Details: | Error Code:13 | Character ID: **** | Session ID:-1
ConvaiChatbotComponentLog: Warning: UConvaiChatbotComponent Get Response Failed! | Character ID : **** | Session ID : -1

Is the backend team changing something currently?

Reply by ysinha8 | 2024-08-21 20:22:34

Could you please provide your character ID?

Reply by nazbee | 2024-08-22 03:16:54

I have sent the Character ID to you by DM. But the error has disappeared without me doing anything.

Reply by ysinha8 | 2024-08-22 17:03:01

Hi <@191760948002947073> the error seems to be related to the service used translation of the input audio. It couldn’t detect the language of the query. We are working on improving the error messaging.

Replying to ysinha8’s Message

Reply by ysinha8 | 2024-08-22 17:03:01
Hi <@191760948002947073> the error seems to be related to the service used translation of the input audio. It couldn’t detect the language of the query. We are working on improving the error messaging.

Reply by nazbee | 2024-08-22 17:08:48

Thank you

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