Original Discord Post by darkladen | 2024-07-17 17:44:55
Hello, In my project the NPC dont trigger talk animation. Always is active idle animation, but, checking “Convai_MetaHuman_BodyAnim” there is a variable “is_talking” that if activated(is_talking=true) the animation in the conversation is also activated.
How can I control the activation of this variable(is_talking) from the BP_NPC ?
I have tried to expose the variable “is_talking” to be able to modify it from the BP_NPC but I have not been able to do it.
I imagine that there is an easier way, normal and already implemented by you.
I have been having this issue for a couple of weeks as well.
If you turn on the “is_talking” variable the NPC will always play the talking animation but it will not go to idle.