Original Discord Post by joel_jamaze | 2024-08-20 15:29:34
in the charakter body animation blueprint is the upper body state machine to go form ilde to talk , there is a varaible called is talking , this bool variable stays allways false , from were this variable set? ( it seams that its coming from convai chatbot) when i refenrece to this variable i get a warning Node Result uses potentially thread-unsafe call Get Convai Chatbot . Disable threaded update or use a thread-safe call. Function may need BlueprintThreadSafe metadata adding. and it seams that the variable change then to often ) its also not working , any ideas to fix the state machine?
Hello <@255863933125132288>,
The issue might be due to the plugin version. I’d recommend updating the Convai plugin, as this error is likely to be resolved in the latest version. The warning about thread-unsafe calls suggests that the variable is being updated in a way that’s not compatible with Unreal’s threaded animation update. Let me know if you face the same error after updating the plugin.