Hi, I am using your github RPM-Lipsync demo to import my own avatar. I strictly follow the steps: first get the url of avatar id in Readplayer.me and then enable the morph Targets in this link: GLB Characters for Convai | Documentation; however, I didnt suceesffully import my own avatars, what is the problem?
Hello @wy_c,
Could you provide more details about the issue you’re experiencing? What exactly goes wrong during the import process? Are you receiving any error messages? The more information you can share, the better we can assist you.
Looking forward to your response!
Yes, for the glb files which RPM-Lipsync requires, it needs to have several blendshapes, however, when I download mine it only has one blendshape, even if I use the url you provided to enable morphtargets; Actually this post:Avatar generation logic changed - Web - Ready Player Me Developer Forums has the exact same problem as I met, but the solution they are providing is not useful at all. For the GitHub - Conv-AI/RPM-Lipsync, it is requiring 9 blendshapes as in the figure, but for mine exported glb it only has 1 wolf3D_body blendshape. how to solve this???
Did you add the query parameter to your download link?
I use this link: https://models.readyplayer.me/67c1438e531f804ded26a7be.glb?morphTargets=ARKit,Oculus%20Visemes
I just checked your glb has all the visemes
I’ll try your glb out. If the code needs any changes i’ll ping you here
Thank you! but what I found was this .glb only has Wolf3D_avatar blendshape when imported into gltf viewer, but the RPM-lipsync is requiring the 9 blendshapes where I posted upward?
Hi, I want to update my problems concerning the glb files, for the left one is what we want, but for the right one is what we got. I think for the RPM-Lipsync code we need the left glb format to successfully import and animate, but we are getting only one single blendshape here. Here is my url to download my glb file, can you please check this for my problem: https://models.readyplayer.me/67c6195601e452b2a143eec8.glb?morphTargets=ARKit,Oculus%20Visemes? Thanks
I recommend reaching out to Ready Player Me (RPM) support regarding this issue.
It looks like RPM is moving away from their current system and working on something new, which might be causing these changes.
These are objects, not blendshapes.