Lips Sync not working using custom RPM model

i ran into a problem when adding lips sync component and its not working

Never mind this, i figure it our my creating custom Viseme Effector

Hello @dev2,

The issue you are experiencing occurs because the imported avatar does not have Oculus or ARKit Blendshapes.

To fix this, set an Avatar Loader Settings:

  1. Go to Ready Player Me → Settings in the top menu.
  2. In the Avatar Config section, assign an Avatar Config:
  • You can use Convai’s default Avatar Config:
  • If you are using your own Avatar Config, go to the Morph Targets section and enable:
    • Oculus Visemes or ARKit Blendshapes
  1. Delete all folders and the prefab related to the previously imported avatar in the Assets folder.
  2. Re-import the character.

For more details on Avatar Config and Avatar Loader, refer to this documentation:
Ready Player Me - Avatar Configuration

For Convai LipSync, in the Viseme Effector settings:

  • Use OVR Effectors for Oculus
  • Use ARKit Effectors for ARKit

This should resolve the issue. Let me know if you need further assistance.

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