Issue triggering NPC - Not Close Enough

Hi, I’ve seen this issue pop up a few times but can’t see the solution.

I appear to be not close enough to trigger the NPC to become active. However this occurs only from facing the NPC head on. (See the attached video)

Any pointers would be appreciated.


Hello @Nick_Clarke,

Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!

It looks like the Character’s Collider might not be set up correctly.

Could you share a screenshot of the Collider? That would help in identifying the issue.

Hi there !!

Here you are…

In your Convai Player GameObject, under the ConvaiNPCManager component, you can find the Ray settings in the Inspector.

Try increasing the Ray Distance and Angle values and see if that helps.

@K3 Thanks s much for looking into this.
Unfortunately, increasing the Ray Length and Vison Cone Angle had no effect.

Is there a forward direction for the Player or NPC that could be off?

Which version of the Convai WebGL SDK are you using?

Could you share a screenshot of your Scene Hierarchy?

Also, do you see any warnings or errors in the Console Logs?

Here you are…

WebGL SDK : ConvaiWebGL_V2.1.0_Nightly_26_10_2024

On thing I’ve noticed is that if the player walks up to the NPC and then rotates away (without moving) the NPC becomes active. Not sure of that provides any clues.

It looks like something in the scene might be blocking the RayCast.

Could you try creating a new scene with no additional 3D models, just your character and the Convai Essentials prefab?

Of course, don’t forget to add a plane so the character doesn’t fall through the world! :smile: Let us know if the issue still occurs.

Thanks I’ll give that a go and also check the scene for rogue any rouge blockers to the raycast.

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