Issues with Unity 2022.3.50f1 VR

Original Discord Post by slim0120_97951 | 2024-10-25 05:25:40

Hi - so I have had trouble with unity VR for a few days now. I first imported VR automatically (according to the documentation). When I run it, a black screen comes up with a error message (See attached). Then I tried it with the oculus plugin instead since I am using Metaquest pro headset, and nothing appeared on my VR screen. Weird issues appeared on the unity screen. Any help would be really appreciated, especially with the Oculus plugin.


Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-10-25 07:36:31

Hello <@1213285035977875507> :wave:t2:,

Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-10-25 07:37:29

This is not a blocker error.
Can you please click the Pause Error button in the console?

Reply by slim0120_97951 | 2024-10-26 13:46:19

Okay great now the vr is working. I have a character imported - but now the lip sync is a bit off. How can i make it match the words

Reply by slim0120_97951 | 2024-10-26 13:46:58

This is the rpm character from convai


Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-10-26 14:38:05

Please share a video.

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