Moviment cam webgl

Original Discord Post by renysanches_76517 | 2024-11-09 22:46:02

Hello, everyone! I’m working on a Unity WebGL project where I need the player to stay in a fixed position, as if they are looking at a computer screen during a call, without any camera movement or rotation. How can I disable the player’s movement and camera rotation in WebGL? Any tips or suggestions on the best approach to achieve this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-11-09 22:47:33

Hello :wave:t2: ,

Just disable the Player Movement script.
Please check the Convai Player gameobject.

Reply by renysanches_76517 | 2024-11-09 23:19:15

Very good! I disable the gravity too! Thanks!!!

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