yes please only keep either the Engine one or this one, but after fixing the Marketplace folder and the remove spaces from the directory so it bwecomes D:\Unreal_Projects\DHStudy_JeasySehgal\Plugins\Convai
I would like to also integrate the webcam for the character to see me or the actual person and say Hi or a custom greetings that I believe we can set in the narrative design.
Hi <@513923426080260106>, it seems this plugin RLPlugin is causing some issues, I do not see any mentions of Convai plugin RLPlugin.Build.cs(1,9): error CS1525: Invalid expression term '='
Reply by freezfast | 2024-10-27 15:02:36
Hi <@513923426080260106>, it seems this plugin RLPlugin is causing some issues, I do not see any mentions of Convai plugin RLPlugin.Build.cs(1,9): error CS1525: Invalid expression term '='
Reply by jeasysehgal | 2024-10-27 15:03:35
Do you recommend in installing the RP plugins from the engine and then trying the build?