Problem using Eleven Labs Voice Integration via API Key

Original Discord Post by hyrohyken | 2024-09-17 15:16:23

Environment :

Convai : Free Plan
Eleven Labs : Pro Plan

ElevenLabs integration in Convai via API Key

Using the voice model : Claire
Voice id (elevenlabs) : 6vTyAgAT8PncODBcLjRf

The voices has been set and its working pretty well

We only have one problem, it seems that the voice goes lower and lower throughout the speech

Our goal is to make an AI Character that delivers quite long speech (approx 1000 letters)

I have tested the same speech on the ElevenLabs interface and the behaviour isn’t the same

Any clue on how to fix this ?

Reply by joel_jamaze | 2024-09-17 16:16:25

I experience testing a unreal engine application with eleven labs pro and convai pro the same this affternoon ……

Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-09-17 20:11:12

Hello <@354588744143339520> & <@255863933125132288>,

Could you please share Character ID & Session IDs?

Replying to k3kalinix’s Message

Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-09-17 20:11:12
Hello <@354588744143339520> & <@255863933125132288>,

Could you please share Character ID & Session IDs?

Reply by hyrohyken | 2024-09-18 06:53:40

Of course !
Here it is :

Character ID


Session ID


Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-09-18 12:18:51

Thanks for the details.
I informed my team members.
We will get back to you.

Replying to k3kalinix’s Message

Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-09-18 12:18:51
Thanks for the details.
I informed my team members.
We will get back to you.

Reply by hyrohyken | 2024-09-27 12:40:48

Hello ! Any news about this issue ?

Reply by k3kalinix | 2024-09-27 12:41:23


Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-09-28 05:52:38

Hi <@354588744143339520> we are currently looking into it

Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-09-28 05:56:01

Can you please confirm one info :
Is the issue happening for every response or does it happens occassionally ?

Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-09-28 06:49:53

Also which model did you used while trying out on Elevenlabs platform

Replying to d_acharyya’s Message

Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-09-28 05:56:01
Can you please confirm one info :
Is the issue happening for every response or does it happens occassionally ?

Reply by hyrohyken | 2024-09-28 15:00:42

This issue is happening on every response from a voice from ElevenLabs

We used the latest avalaible model and « Claire » voice

Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-09-29 05:22:18

Thanks for confirming

Reply by hyrohyken | 2024-10-02 07:09:39

Hello ! Any updates ?

Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-10-03 09:12:14

We were able to recreate the issue on unreal platform, but its only happening for your voice. We tried with a couple of other elevenlabs custom voices and there were no volume issues.

Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-10-03 09:13:01

Can you please give it a try in the convai website and let us know if you are getting the issue there too ?

Reply by hyrohyken | 2024-10-03 12:07:35

We are getting the issue from all our custom voices in the Convai Platform and in our UE project

What Elevenlabs model are you currently using for your REST call ?

Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-10-03 13:59:05

Its eleven_multilingual_v1

Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-10-03 13:59:24

Its not a REST call, we use the streaming version that uses the websocket

Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-10-03 15:00:16

When you said : latest avalaible model , were you referring to eleven_multilingual_v2 ?

Replying to d_acharyya’s Message

Reply by d_acharyya | 2024-10-03 15:00:16
When you said : latest avalaible model , were you referring to eleven_multilingual_v2 ?

Reply by hyrohyken | 2024-10-03 16:22:28

Yes, and the 2.5 aswell
There wasnt any voice glitches with those models