Problems with a document with an index in the knowledge bank

Hello there

I need my avatar to learn an index of a document. In what format should I give the text in the knowledge bank so that when I ask him for the index the avatar answers saying the complete list of the index?

Right now when I ask him he answers me with a made-up answer or he alters the order of the index.

I have adjusted the temperature to the minimum and the personality so that he is as meticulous as possible but he keeps giving me wrong answers.

Can you help me with my problem?

Thank you very much.

Hello @joel_Cardoso_Do_Vale,

Welcome to the Convai Developer Forum!

Could you please share your Character ID and the name of the document you have uploaded to the Knowledge Bank? This will help us better understand the issue and provide the best possible solution.

In addition to the above information, also provide us the following:

a. Example session_id where the issue was faced.
b. Example Query that could reproduce the issue and expected result and the result you are currently getting.

Hi, thank you very much.

The Character ID is 12c4352a-d8d7-11ef-8a34-42010a7be016

The name of the document is: Temario_Indice_Curso_Radiofrecuencia

Could you also provide the other details requested by my teammate?

You can see in the Session ID: af0044b6eb9d340baaf46b854513923d

Although most conversations are testing this same problem and it could serve as an example.

The queries I use are:

Cual es el indice del curso?

Cual es el temario del curso?

I’m sorry but the AI ​​is configured with the Spanish language and the queries are in this language.

Keep the index in a single paragraph. You can add the numbers for ordering. Can you please try this.

Also we do not officially support KB files in different language (other than English), it may work, however we will not be sure about its accuracy.

I have already tried to enter the information in paragraph format and it still doesn’t work. I have also tried to enter all the information in English and the result was the same.
I also tried to put only the list of topics leaving aside the subtopics in case they confuse the understanding of the text, but it didn’t work either.