I am trying to import CC4 character into Unity and use convai with it. I have been following a youtube video. I creafully followed eveyrthing. When I play the game my character starts flying up and doesn’t stop. I tried multiple things including rigidbody , gravity but nothing works.
I am using Unity 2022 LTS.
Could you please share your console logs to help us diagnose the issue? Additionally, if possible, providing a video showing the problem along with the Inspector of your character would be very helpful. This will allow us to better understand what’s happening and assist you more effectively.
There might be something misconfigured in your scene.
Could you share a screenshot of your Hierarchy and Scene view so we can take a closer look? That will help us pinpoint the problem.
Alternatively, you can try duplicating the Convai demo scene, remove the demo characters, and use that setup for your CC4 character. Let me know how it goes!