Convai project windows build getting fail when fire base (FBP) plugin is enable

Hello every one , I am getting unknown build error in unreal meta human convai project when I enable fire base (FBP) plugin windows build getting failed with unknown build error. I have attached error log also screen shot of build error and we transfer link to dummy unreal engine project which is getting build error. I am using unreal engine version 5.3. please guide me steps for resolve build error.
i also want to know if some one can guide if is it possible to use convai character use fire base data instead of convai knowledge bank? purpose is to enable 3d hologram character which is using convai body motion and lip sync can interactable with windows tablet with PROMS .
so my question is how to solve build error when convai and fire base both plugin need to use in project and also want to know is there any tutorial or help how i can use convai with firebase plugin in unreal engine. i am sharing unreal engine we transfer link also if some one can check build error in project i will be thank ful.
UBT-convai_fbp_dummy-Win64-Development_2.txt (521.4 KB)

unreal engine we transfer project link-

Hello @Dhaval_Brahmbhatt,

Sorry to hear you’re facing this issue. Unfortunately, this is a known conflict—the GRPC in the Firebase Plugin conflicts with the GRPC in the Convai Plugin. This type of GRPC-related issue will be addressed in our next major update.

Additionally, using Firebase data instead of the Convai Knowledge Bank is not supported at this time. To customize Convai for your specific use case, you would need to be on our Enterprise plan, which offers tailored solutions. If you’re interested in learning more, you can schedule a call with our sales team via this Calendly link.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

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